There is not much you can not do with the TCS
The TCS has been designed to be at the cutting edge of technology for scientific research.
Clinical investigation has never been easier
Built in threshold protocols are easily executed by a user friendly touch screen
Temperature range: 0°C to 60°C (0.1°C steps)
Temperature ramp: 0.1°C/sec to maximum 300°C/sec
Absolute precision: 0.1°C
Relative precision: 0.1°C
Five Independent stimulation zones (each can be set at a different temperature)
Automatic calibration
Automatic adjustement to neutral skin temperature
Battery powered
Ultraportable (4 Kg)
No maintenance
User friendly touch screen environment
Built-in QST protocols ready to use
Can be driven by an external computer
Delivers triggers to external devices (EEG, ECG, MRI)
Easy programmable protocol environment