Accessories compatible with TCS II and stimulation probes
MRI Compatible Visual Analog Scale

The eVAS (see descriptions below) is now MRI compatible. Subjects simply slide their finger over a touchpad and receive visual feedback from the display on the back of the scanner tunel. Three response buttons can also be used for different tasks in experimental protocols. The entire system is connected to the TCS II via fiber-optic cables.
CPM Plate

With a temperature range of 8 to 50°C and a battery life of over 2 hours, this hot/cold plate is the perfect tool for CPM protocols. It's highly versatile and can be used as a standalone device or easily controlled by either the TCS II or a computer, giving you the flexibility you need to achieve optimal results.
Electronic Visual Analog Scale

The sensation/pain evaluation system using a visual analogue scale makes it possible to quantify sensation/pain in a very simple and intuitive way. The position of the finger on the tactile slider illuminates the LEDs for visual feedback and is recorded and transmitted to the TCS II on a digital scale from 0 to 100.

Digital to Analog Box
This digital-to-analog conversion box exports the temperature data from the TCS II in real time. It can be connected to acquisition systems for synchronization with physiological and electrophysiological measurements.
Thermal probe support - MRI Compatible
Forarm - Arm

Calf - Leg

Compatible with T4, T6, T8 and T9 probes, this support allows a good holding of the probe and brings an additional level of security because the subject can remove his limb at any time.